A Government Aided Recognised Minority Educational Institution | Medium of instruction is English | Established & Run by Milli Educational Organisation | Estd: 1992
Affiliated to the University of Calcutta
Accredited to NAAC (October 2024)

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

In pursuance to the UGC regulations of prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institution (2015), Milli Al-Ameen College (for Girls) has constituted an Internal Complaints Committee for gender sensitization and complaints handling sexual harassment. The committee addresses any complaints as discriminatory behavior and sexual harassment lodged by any member of the college. The committee also advises remedy for the offender including punishment.

The committee consists of representative of a faculty, non-teaching staff, student and external member from local community. The committee also consists of the OC of local police station.

The composition and existing members (w.e.f 20.09.2023) are as follows:

Presiding Officer: Dr. Naghma Nigar (Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu)

Non-teaching member: Sabahat Bano

Student’s Representative: Kahkasha Parveen (Studnts’ Representative)

Local member : Nayeem Anis and Shabana Nasreen

OC of Entally Police Station


Objectives :

The ICC has been formed to execute the prevention of sexual harassment as outlined by UGC/Supreme Court and hence follows the following objectives:

  • The ICC is committed to a campus free from any type of discrimination, harassment or sexual assault.
  • The ICC is committed to zero tolerance towards sexual harassment.

The ICC tries to sensitize the female employees and students about the fundamental rights to have a safe and healthy environment in the college.

Old Composition of ICC

The old members of ICC are as follows:

Presiding Officer : Parveen Kaur (Assistant Professor, Department of Education)

Non-teaching member : Sabahat Bano

Student member : Kahkasha Parveen (Students’ Representative)

Local member : Nayeem Anis and Shabana Nasreen

OC of Beniapukur Police Station

Title View
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Composition View